Amazon India announced the third anniversary of Alexa in India, In the past three years, Alexa has become the most loved voice service in India. People in India have used Alexa to do everything from storytelling to cab booking and other stuff that are part of their daily life.
By Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Scalable Grid Engine - Own work, CC0,
As per Amazon's announcement, they are planning to make Alexa more affordable and accessible to all types of customers to bring the next generation voice-enabled assistant "Alexa" to their home. For that Amazon is planning a blockbuster offers for Echo ( Alexa) devices starting from Feb 15th, 2021
Some of the Keynote from Amazon's Announcement on 8th Feb 2021
- Customers interaction with Alexa has increased 67 Percentage than never before in 2020
- Millions of Indians fell in love with Alexa in 2020 alone. Customers said "I LOVE YOU" to Alexa 19000 times a day ie, 1200 percent increased from 2019
- Customers preferred using voice to control their smart home gadget, asking Alexa 8.6 Lakh times every day to do all the hard work