Bharti Airtel recently announced that it has made an agreement with the Google to launch its new service “Free Zone”, which allows the subscribed customers to use the Google services like Google Search, G-mail and Google plus on their mobiles for free. The company also said that the company charges the user for using the advanced services like clicking on external links, Attachment downloads etc.
Airtel quoted that, the Free Zone subscribers can view the first page of the Google search results for free, for deeper navigation, the user will be notified about the data charges and have options to purchase the appropriate packages.
Similarly, while using the G-mail, if the user clicks an external link or attachment, they are directed to the page for purchasing the data pack.
Bharti Airtel’s Chief Marketing Officer, N Rajaram said that “In this market, where feature phones predominate, our association with Google to bring Free Zone to India will encourage millions of users to discover the power of mobile Internet for the very first time and leverage the amazing world of information search, email and social collaboration at no incremental cost.”
The Google’s Indian VPN and Managing Director, Rajan Anand Said that, “The mobile Internet user base is growing really fast in India. We hope this initiative will encourage more Indians to experience the value of the Internet and gain from it.”
In this era of Smartphones the ‘Free Zone’ will be a great help for the users to check their mails, spend some time on G+ and Google something for free. Another advantage is that the users have not to fear of losing money by accidentally clicking on some links, as it is directed to the page where the user can choose their data pack.
Abin is the Founder of the technical blog Quill Share. He is a passionate blogger and is interested in writing articles related to Gadgets, Software, SEO and the latest advancements in Science & Technology.