have just finished writing your fantastic guest post, you submit it and the
webmaster is thrilled. However, he/she emails back asking for an author
bio…what do you do? You actually have a number of options when writing your
short bio for your guest post. Much of it depends upon your marketing strategy.
How you are planning to market your website or blog is going to dictate what
you do when you write your author bio. Here are a few ideas on what direction to
take when writing your author bio.
You may be honest and write about you
can go the honest route and simply write about yourself. Try to include why you
wrote the piece. How you are related to the subject matter. What experience or
qualifications you have that make your opinions relevant on the subject. You
can also mention how long you have been writing and your reasons for writing
about the subject matter or topic.
You may write a fake author bio to hide your identity
you simply do not want to put your name to a piece of work. Maybe the piece of
work was not very good. Maybe the work was commissioned, and you do not believe
the things you actually wrote. Maybe what you wrote about was taboo,
inflammatory or off-color and you do not want people to react badly and start
coming after you personally.
you wrote for a company or website that would harm your good name. Maybe you
wrote a piece for a competitor. Maybe the information on the article is full of
misinformation that will serve your purposes and you do not want to be traced.
You may write a fake author bio for every niche
writers will create a persona that is used for each niche they write about. For
example, a writer may write for a college newspaper, a biomedical guest blog
and a children’s sweets blog. Therefore, the author-bio persona for the college
newspaper would be Professor Walker, the biomedical guest blog persona would be
Dr Walker, and the children’s sweets blog may be Uncle Fatty Walker.
You may write a fake author bio and concentrate on keywords
article has its own keywords and sometimes it is easier to add those keywords
into a fake author bio because you have full control over what the author bio
says. For example, an estate-agency guest-blog post could be followed by an
author bio that talk about how the author has had a career dealing with “houses
for sale”, and how he/she sold lots of “homes” in “Texas”, “Florida” and
You may create a funny author bio with a funny name
your guest post was a light hearted one you can give your author bio a funny
twist. It is a nice treat for the people who bothered to read your post and
have gone as far as reading your author bio. You could start with a funny name
such as “Sonya Trousers” or “Teresa Green” and then move into a funny bio that
is related to the comedy within your article.
You may write a fake author bio to strengthen your prestige
sort of author bio is actually written all the time. A writer will write about
a certain subject, and then concoct an author bio that strengthens the prestige
of the article. For example, an article on heart disease will sound more
convincing coming from Dr. J Harvey, instead of coming from Mr. Jerry Harvey.
Writers do this sort of thing all the time so that their work is taken more
seriously by the reader.
articles are written by the same writers, and yet it is funny how so many
author bios match their articles content, e.g. knitting advice from a materials
factory manager, car advice from a senior manager at Mercedes, healthy living
advice from a fitness instructor.
Author’s bio:
My name is Sonia Jackson. I
represent the Dissertation Writings . We’ll help you to solve all problems with writing
different dissertations and research papers in a short time; we’ll answer all
your questions and give you useful advice.