Update- Plus One Improvement Exam Date for publishing|When will plus Improvement results Publish

As we have posted regarding the Improvement exam results in the previous days, We have a information to share with you Young Minds waiting for the results and checking in different websites regarding the Result.

As we had inquired with a Kerala Government Servant , One Mr. Sony,Teaches PHYSICS in St.Marys H.S.S Adoor, regarding the Date of Publishing the Exam, he says that

" We too ,go for the plus one improvement paper evaluation and the results will be published on coming Week,may be on next Monday(19th november)."
So, i have to post this information to you guys, as you Search the Entire Web for the Results.

If you think this information helpful, please like us on Facebook,Twitter.


Our Prediction has gone wrong and the results published Today(16th Novem).


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